Why Sex Ed Matters

Why Sex Ed Matters According to Hasto Wardoyo, the big boss at the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), teaching kids about sex early on could actually save lives. How? Well, it can help prevent cervical cancer and breast cancer, for starters.

Wardoyo dropped this knowledge bomb at a meeting in Denpasar, Bali, where the cool kids in family planning and reproductive health were hanging out from February 20 to 23, 2024.

Breaking Taboos

So, why aren’t more parents talking to their kids about the birds and the bees? Wardoyo reckons it’s because sex talk is still a bit taboo. But hey, it’s time to break that taboo because it’s super important.

Starting Simple

But here’s the thing: sex ed doesn’t have to be all about the mechanics of doing the deed. Nope, it can start simple, like teaching kids about their bits and pieces down there. You know, the reproductive organs.

“It’s not about how to do the deed,” Wardoyo stressed. “It’s about giving kids the lowdown on how to keep their reproductive health in check.”

Birth Control Basics

Wardoyo also talked about the importance of spreading the word on contraception, especially the long-term kind. Why? Because it helps keep those baby-making intervals in check.

He mentioned that when the timing’s right, more people are likely to jump on board with long-term contraception methods, like the MKJP method. And hey, it’s a win-win because these methods are more reliable than the quick-fix options.

Think about it: condoms can break, and sometimes folks forget to pop their birth control pills. Long-term methods? Not so much.

Family Planning for the Win

But wait, there’s more to family planning than just contraception. It’s also about getting ready for marriage, spacing out pregnancies, building families, and preventing stunting in kids.

So, whether it’s chatting about the birds and the bees or getting clued up on contraception, it’s all about giving folks the tools to take control of their reproductive health. And hey, that’s something we can all get behind.

